Your PICK modernization journey starts here

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pastedImage Better User Experience Aleph MV Framework renders pure Vanilla JS and Bootstrap 5 web front ends, ensuring responsiveness in any device.
pastedImage Rapid Application Development Unlike most web frameworks that use HTML templates, the Aleph MV Framework allows you to rapidly design the menu and forms of your web front end using web tools.
pastedImage Develop and control your App from MV BASIC You don't need to learn new languages to develop web applications. You already know everything you will need: MV BASIC!
The Aleph MV Framework is the only framework that allows you to create and control your web application from the MV side, and it comes with out-of-the-box tools and functions that solve most of the web application development challenges.
pastedImage Enterprise and Geo Organization The Aleph MV Framework lets you create enterprise multi-tenant web applications where many companies share the same MV database. Also, you can reflect the geographical organization of each company using multiple geographical organizational units to implement regions, divisions, or any other organizational hierarchy.
“The Aleph MV Framework embeds more than 15 years of experience in MV modernization. It is a not just a tool to build a web front end for your MV application, it will change the way in which your MV development is done.”
image —  Enrique Murphy , Founder and CEO.
It is modernization time! Build complete enterprise web applications The Aleph MV Framework or MVWF is a web framework built with PICK BASIC, Rocket MVIS and Javascript. The framework was designed to allow PICK developers to build complete web applications just using the provided web tools and PICK BASIC programming, without needing to have any knowledge of HTML, Javascript or any other language.
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Multivalue Web Applications

Modernize without learning new languages

Aleph MV Framework Includes web tools to easily build up the web application menu, UI Forms, messages, and to create and manage users and user profiles. It also allows the implementation of the geographical organization of the company and staff, and the possibility to have multitenant in a single MV database.
Web applications Built with MVWF are responsive and progressive, so they can be run and installed on desktop, tablet and mobile devices, and can be fully internationalized.
Unleash the Power of Web Development with Aleph MV Framework: Join Us and Revolutionize Your PICK Applications!
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